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Fraser at the Fair!

August 24, 2023 — 09:00 AM-09:00 PM— Fraser Sensory Building - 1353 Cosgrove St, Falcon Heights, MN 55108MAP
Fraser at the Fair!

Visit the Fraser Sensory Building at the State Fair!

Fraser is BACK at the Minnesota State Fair in 2023!

Fairgoers can visit Fraser from 9 a.m – 9 p.m., Aug. 24 to Sept. 4, at the Fraser Sensory building in partnership with Central Roofing Company on 1353 Cosgrove St., between Dan Patch Ave. and Wright Ave, adjacent to the wheelchair rentals and Home Improvement Building.

The Fraser Sensory Building will feature a take-a-break sensory space for people with sensory processing difficulties, who may find the sights, smells, noise, bright lights and crowds of the fair overwhelming.

The sensory space will be staffed by Fraser-trained sensory support volunteers, who can help individuals regulate with tools and techniques like weighted blankets and shoulder wraps, calming music, floor cushions, an exercise ball and fidget toys. Anyone who is experiencing sensory overload is welcome to take a break in the space.

The Fraser Sensory Building will also feature games, giveaways, and educational resources.

Learn about the Fraser Sensory Building with Fraser CEO Diane Cross and Jason Stock, VP of Central Roofing Company