When you make a planned gift to Fraser, you become a member of the Louise Legacy Society and help to create a world in which all people have equal opportunity and choice to realize their dreams to live, work, learn and play as members of our community.

There is no minimum gift required to join the Louise Legacy Society; even a small gift can have a lasting impact. There are many ways to give, and your gift is revocable, meaning you can change it at any time.

Bequests are gifts you designate in your will. There are several types of bequests:
  • a gift of a specific item is when you leave a valuable to Fraser such as pensions, profit-sharing plans, 401(k), IRAs, art, stock, life insurance plans, real estate
  • a gift of a stated sum of money is cash or Certificates of Deposit (CDs) paid to Fraser
  • a gift made on a contingency ensures that a certain event must occur before distribution of a gift to Fraser (for example, other beneficiaries are no longer living)
  • a gift of the rest, residue, and remainder of an estate provides assets to Fraser after all other bequests, debts, and taxes have been paid.
  • a gift with no conditions attached

With gift planning, you can increase the size of your estate, ensure your money lasts for your lifetime, and/or reduce the tax burden on your heirs. Consult with a tax attorney to find out which planned giving option is right for you.
  • Pooled Income Funds: A pooled income fund is similar to a mutual fund. This type of gift can ensure ongoing income for you during your lifetime, and a guaranteed gift to Fraser later.
  • Gift Annuity: A gift annuity transfers cash, securities, or property to Fraser in exchange for a fixed-dollar payment during your lifetime. Later, Fraser receives the principal.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts: With a charitable remainder trust, you transfer an asset to Fraser and receive income from that asset. At the end of the trust’s term, the principal is distributed to Fraser. There are 2 types of charitable remainder trusts: An annuity trust that provides a fixed-dollar payment annually, and a unitrust that provides a fluctuating annual payment based on a percentage of the trust’s value each year.
  • Charitable Lead Trust: A charitable lead trust provides an annual income to Fraser. At the end of the trust’s term, the remainder reverts to Fraser or to another person.
  • Charitable Trust: a trust with Fraser named as the beneficiary.

A planned gift to Fraser ensures the continuation of life-changing services for children, teens, adults, and families with diverse needs.