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Your Health and Safety is Our Top Priority

Fraser holds the safety of clients and staff as a top priority and all decisions made to-date have been based on the guidance we receive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).  These protocols are continually updated based on current guidance and best practice recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fraser is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our clients. Fraser programs will follow applicable regulations and best practices to ensure the safest and healthiest environment possible. Each program will provide employees with training and guidelines to address the following topics, as applicable:

  • 1) Infection control
  • 2) Injuries, illnesses and incidents / accidents
  • 3) Managing client medical needs
  • 4) Medication administration
  • 5) Food service and storage
  • 6) Allergies

What to Do if You are Experiencing Symptoms of Illness

Clients are expected to stay home when they are ill. Report the absence as follows:

COVID-19 Specific Guidelines
As of 09/25/2023
Status Guideline
Test Positive for COVID-19 OR Don’t Test but Have Symptoms of COVID-19
  • If clients do not get tested and are having symptoms, they should follow this return-to-service guidance as if they had tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Isolate for at least for 5 days from symptom onset OR test date, whichever date is earlier.
  • Additionally, symptoms should be improved to return to services:
    • Improved symptoms means that a person no longer feels ill, can do their daily routine just as they did before they were ill, and any remaining symptoms are very mild or infrequent.
    • Must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours.
    • It is recommended that client no longer have rhinorrhea (runny nose) and have no more than a minimal, nonproductive cough.
  • If symptoms persist beyond 5 days, it is recommended to stay home until day However, if testing is repeated after day 5 and result is negative, client may return to services if symptoms are improved as described above.
  • If returning to services before day 11:
    • Wear a Fraser-provided surgical mask until day 11, if able to tolerate.
    • Continue to self-monitor for symptoms and re-evaluate if symptoms recur or worsen before day 11.
Test Negative for COVID-19 but have COVID-19/Respiratory Symptoms
  • It is highly recommended that clients test for COVID-19 if experiencing COVID-19/respiratory If negative for COVID-19 but positive for other respiratory illness, follow return-to-services guidance for that illness.
  • Symptoms should be improved to return to services.
    • Improved symptoms means that a person no longer feels ill, can do their daily routine just as they did before they were ill, and any remaining symptoms are very mild or infrequent.
    • Must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours.
    • It is recommended that client no longer have rhinorrhea (runny nose) and have no more than a minimal, nonproductive cough.
  • Wear a Fraser-provided surgical mask until symptoms have improved, if able to tolerate.
  • Continue to self-monitor for symptoms and re-evaluate if symptoms recur or worsen.
Known Exposure to COVID-19
  • No isolation is required if exposed individual is symptom free AND does not test positive for COVID-19
  • Monitor for symptoms for 10 days following last known date of exposure.
  • Wear a Fraser-provided surgical mask until day 11, if able to tolerate.
  • If client develops any symptoms, testing is highly recommended.
  • Testing is additionally recommended 5 days from exposure date even if there are no symptoms.
  • If symptoms have resolved and continue to test negative, can return to services (e.g., headache or fever on day 0, no symptoms on day 3 and testing negative).