Status |
Guideline |
Test Positive for COVID-19 OR Don’t Test but Have Symptoms of COVID-19 |
- If clients do not get tested and are having symptoms, they should follow this return-to-service guidance as if they had tested positive for COVID-19.
- Isolate for at least for 5 days from symptom onset OR test date, whichever date is earlier.
- Additionally, symptoms should be improved to return to services:
- Improved symptoms means that a person no longer feels ill, can do their daily routine just as they did before they were ill, and any remaining symptoms are very mild or infrequent.
- Must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours.
- It is recommended that client no longer have rhinorrhea (runny nose) and have no more than a minimal, nonproductive cough.
- If symptoms persist beyond 5 days, it is recommended to stay home until day However, if testing is repeated after day 5 and result is negative, client may return to services if symptoms are improved as described above.
- If returning to services before day 11:
- Wear a Fraser-provided surgical mask until day 11, if able to tolerate.
- Continue to self-monitor for symptoms and re-evaluate if symptoms recur or worsen before day 11.
Test Negative for COVID-19 but have COVID-19/Respiratory Symptoms |
- It is highly recommended that clients test for COVID-19 if experiencing COVID-19/respiratory If negative for COVID-19 but positive for other respiratory illness, follow return-to-services guidance for that illness.
- Symptoms should be improved to return to services.
- Improved symptoms means that a person no longer feels ill, can do their daily routine just as they did before they were ill, and any remaining symptoms are very mild or infrequent.
- Must be fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours.
- It is recommended that client no longer have rhinorrhea (runny nose) and have no more than a minimal, nonproductive cough.
- Wear a Fraser-provided surgical mask until symptoms have improved, if able to tolerate.
- Continue to self-monitor for symptoms and re-evaluate if symptoms recur or worsen.
Known Exposure to COVID-19 |
- No isolation is required if exposed individual is symptom free AND does not test positive for COVID-19
- Monitor for symptoms for 10 days following last known date of exposure.
- Wear a Fraser-provided surgical mask until day 11, if able to tolerate.
- If client develops any symptoms, testing is highly recommended.
- Testing is additionally recommended 5 days from exposure date even if there are no symptoms.
- If symptoms have resolved and continue to test negative, can return to services (e.g., headache or fever on day 0, no symptoms on day 3 and testing negative).