Diagnostic Evaluations and Assessments

When your child or loved one is struggling, all you want to do is help. But it can be hard to know what to do. Maybe your child is having trouble talking, sitting up, walking or following instructions. He or she may find loud noises overwhelming, is withdrawn socially or is prone to angry outbursts.

These issues could signal a developmental delay, neurological disorder, a mental health concern or a sensory processing challenge. Fraser is Minnesota’s largest and most experienced provider of autism and early childhood mental health services. We have served individuals with disabilities for over 80 years. We have the expertise to evaluate individuals of all ages for autism, mental health, neuropsychology and rehabilitation therapy needs.

We approach all evaluations and treatment plans as collaborative, including caregivers, families, educators and the community in the process. We tailor our treatment plans to the specific needs of each individual and family.

Autism Evaluations

Our process for diagnosing autism spectrum disorder has been refined through more than two decades of experience. We draw from a broad knowledge base in education, rehabilitation, social work, mental health and neuropsychology.

Following an evaluation, a clinician will review the results with you. We also provide a report that summarizes our findings. If you receive a diagnosis, we make recommendations for services and treatment options.

Mental Health Evaluations

Fraser is the largest and most experienced provider of early childhood mental health services in Minnesota. We tailor our mental health diagnostic evaluations and assessments to each individual. A Fraser clinician meets with you and your loved one to ask questions, observe behavior, review medical information and conduct testing.

After the evaluation, you receive a report with our findings. We may make a diagnosis, identify treatment options and make recommendations for services.

Neuropsychology Evaluations

For children and teens who may have neurodevelopmental or neurological disorders, Fraser provides neuropsychology evaluations. A Fraser clinician meets with you and your child to ask questions, observe behavior, review medical information and conduct testing. The evaluations give us a picture of a child’s cognitive abilities and his or her level of social, emotional and academic ability.

Following an evaluation, our experts create an intervention plan that focuses on your child’s strengths. You receive a report with our findings. We recommend educational and community resources that can help your child reach his or her goals.

Pediatric Evaluations

Some children struggle with communication, sensory issues, movement, eating or daily living skills. During a pediatric evaluation, a skilled therapist assesses your child’s needs across speech, occupational and physical therapy.

After the evaluation, you receive a report with our findings. Depending on your child’s needs, we may make recommendations about therapy and other services.

Fraser Diagnostic Evaluations and Assessments Locations

Our diagnostic evaluations and assessments are available at all Fraser locations: