Fraser holds the safety of clients and staff as a top priority and all decisions made to-date have been based on the guidance we receive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). These protocols are continually updated based on current guidance and best practice recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fraser is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our clients. Fraser programs will follow applicable regulations and best practices to ensure the safest and healthiest environment possible. Each program will provide employees with training and guidelines to address the following topics, as applicable:
- 1) Infection control
- 2) Injuries, illnesses and incidents / accidents
- 3) Managing client medical needs
- 4) Medication administration
- 5) Food service and storage
- 6) Allergies
What to Do if You are Experiencing Symptoms of Illness
Clients are expected to stay home when they are ill. Report the absence as follows:
- Outpatient Clinical Clients: Complete an Appointment Change Request form to report an absence.
- Day Treatment and ABA Clients: Complete a Notification of Absence for Fraser Client form.
- Fraser School: Call the front office (612) 861-1688 or email as soon as possible and give the child’s name, classroom, and reason for absence.