Disability or Health Needs
DHS licensing requires Fraser School® staff to create and follow an Individual Child Care Program Plan (ICCPP) for children with a developmental delays, mental health or physical health needs. The ICCPP may include safety, social, or educational goals for the child. Our goal is to create a plan within 60 days of a child’s enrollment or new diagnosis. Once the ICCPP has been drafted, Fraser School staff will share the document with parents to gain input and feedback; then this document will be reviewed at least annually.
Medical Diagnoses, Including Allergies
An ICCPP for children with diagnoses, including allergies lists procedures for staff to follow in a medical emergency. Medical plans are developed with the child’s healthcare provider. If a child has a known medical need that could result in emergency intervention or the need for emergency medications, an ICCPP and all emergency medications must be in place before the child’s first day of school. If a currently enrolled child is determined to have a medical need that could result in an emergency, families should immediately contact the Health Services Coordinator.
Co-Located Clinical Services at Fraser School, Richfield, MN
Fraser School® is co-located with Fraser’s clinical services, including rehabilitation therapy (speech and language, occupational and physical therapy) and early childhood day treatment. This collaboration offers children with disabilities the opportunity to have additional services embedded within their day. Approximately 1/3 of our students having autism, intellectual or physical disability, or mental health needs.
Fraser School®
Exceptional Education since 1935
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